Moshe Rabbeinu is told by Hashem, “וצו את יהושע וחזקהו ואמצהו״, and command Yehoshua and give him חיזוק, strength, and courage. This would guarantee him success as he took over the leadership of the Jewish people.
Rabbi Elie Munk in קול התורה, wrote that there are four areas that we all need Chizuk in order to succeed.
The first is Torah study, followed by the performance of Mitzvot, prayers to Hashem, and one’s worldly occupation.
Regarding Torah study, one needs to overcome his Yeitzer to discipline himself to establish definite time periods for the study of Torah.
Our overall performance of Mitzvot, requires diligence. We need to be in a mode where we realize how important it is to give to others. Such Mitzvot involve giving of our time and money. We need Chizuk for this.
When we pray, we need to avoid monotony and being mechanical. We must be motivated to have proper Kavana, and not forget that all that we are comes from Hashem.
And regarding our worldly occupation, we need Chizuk to always act honestly. We must avoid the temptation to earn money deceitfully. We also have to work hard to be able to provide for our family.
Therefore, in order to meet our spiritual and material challenges, we definitely need Chizuk, just as Yehoshua received from Moshe Rabbeinu.