No Sickness

Parshat עקב is a continuation of Moshe Rabbeinu’s charge to the people. He tries to make it abundantly clear that if we observe the Mitzvot, all will be well. If we forsake Hashem, there will be dire consequences.

Among the blessings Moshe promises is והסיר ממך ה׳ כל חולי, that Hashem will remove from you all sickness. Rabbi Elie Munk says that this is referring to both physical and psychological illnesses.

The message here is that Torah and Mitzvot provide a person with great protection. It helps create a certain degree of peace of mind.

In Rabbi Munk’s words, “The illness that Hashem will remove applies to psychological illness, when a person is beset by fears and worry about life’s uncertainties.”

The study of books of Mussar that emphasize what is truly important about life, helps a great deal in coping with our everyday challenges. We learn to take things more in stride, and we realize how detrimental worrying is to our general well being.

This was what Moshe was telling the people. Observe the Torah diligently, and ALL sickness will be removed from you.


Humility and Surrender

