Good News-Bad News
At the end of פרשת בא, we have the verses that we use at the Pesach Seder. The Midrash describes a particular Pasuk as good news-bad news.
The Pasuk says, כי ישאלך בנך, when your son will ask you in the future. The bad news is that we are told that our children will become so distant from religion, that they will one day ask, what is this religion all about.
It’s painful to have to face the reality that a nation that was so close to Hashem at Mount Sinai, will one day ask what the religion is all about.
The good news is that the Pasuk also teaches that the Jewish people will survive a long and bitter exile. We may end the Galut limping our way to the finish line, but we are promised that we will make it to the finish line.
It is truly remarkable that a people who suffered every difficulty imaginable, will witness a rebirth.
It appears that it’s much more productive to focus on the good news, and continue to get stronger, than dwell on the negative. As a former president recently said, “the best is yet to come!”