Four Sections of Tefillin

Parshat בא has two of the four sections that are placed in the Tefillin. They are והיה כי יביאך, and קדש לי כל בכור. The other two sections are the first two paragraphs of שמע.

In all four of these sections, we are told to make these as “signs upon our hands, and frontlets between our eyes.” These sections are placed as one piece of parchment on the של יד, and four pieces of parchment on the של ראש.

Rabbi Elie Munk, in קול התורה, explains the significance of each of these sections.

The first paragraph of שמע emphasizes Israel’s monotheistic faith with words, ה׳ אחד, G-d is One.

The paragraph of והיה עם שמוע is a doctrine of Hashem’s Providence. There is a cause and effect situation. If we observe the Mitzvot, it will be good. If we violate them, Hashem will turn away from us.

The קדש לי כל בכור, serves to show Israel’s commitment to the G-d of Israel, by way of sanctification. We become elevated by observing the Mitzvot.

And the final section of והיה כי יביאך, shows how Hashem protects us when we show unwavering devotion to Him.

These four Parshiot serve to show the special bond between a Jew and his Maker. It is clear why these chapters are in the Tefillin that we wrap and bind ourselves to Hashem.


Tu B’Shvat


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