Don’t Be Stingy
Shavua Tov-
The Gemara in מסכת ברכות asks why the section dealing with תרומות ומעשרות, the taking of tithes, is positioned next to the case of the סוטה, the woman suspected of being unfaithful to her husband.
The answer is given by רבי יוחנן who says that if a person is stingy and doesn’t give the Kohein, he will end up bringing his wife to the Kohein as a suspected unfaithful wife.
The message here is very clear. If one does not fulfill his financial religious obligations to give as required by Jewish law, he will pay in other ways.
One very devoted Tzaddik, who dedicated his life to help the poor, said it best. If you don’t give to Yaakov, you will end up giving to Eisav. He was implying that such a person will lose his protection, and will suddenly get entangled with the tax authorities (Eisav).
We need to have the faith to do the right thing even when it affects our wallet. When we do this, we will blessed and receive Divine protection.