Shalom Bayit

The case of the סוטה has an important message regarding שלום בית, peace in the home. The goal of the entire process of the suspected woman to the Beit Hamikdash, is to achieve clarity.

The hope is that this woman will be found innocent, and she will be careful in the future to avoid acting in a way that will cause her husband to be suspicious of her. After finding her innocent, they continue living together peacefully, as husband and wife.

This process is so important of ultimately achieving שלום בית, that Hashem allows His holy name to be erased and its ink is mixed with the holy waters. Normally, erasing Hashem’s name is a חילול ה׳ , desecration of His name.

This demonstrates how treasured שלום בית really is. A happy home gives security to the children, as they see their parents living a harmonious life. So much strife and grief could be avoided, if couples would swallow their pride, and focus on the huge damage caused when Shalom Bayit is jeopardized. This is probably the most important message of the סוטה ordeal.


Spirit of Wisdom


Don’t Be Stingy