Highs and Lows
It is never a coincidence how the Parsha of the week coincides with current events. The first of Nissan started out as a glorious day. The Mishkan was dedicated and the people were thrilled to witness a fire coming from the sky, consuming their קרבן. In particular, אלישבע בת עמינדב, had great Nachat. Her husband, Aharon, was inaugurated as כהן גדול, her four sons served as כהנים, and her brother in-law, Moshe, was prophet and king.
The great joy turned to tragedy with the incident of Nadav and Avihu. Their sudden passing, was a shock to the entire nation, and the celebrations turned to mourning.
This coming week, we will experience the reverse situation. Yom Hazikaron, where we remember our fallen heroes, is a very intense and solemn day for Israel. Everyone knows someone who fell defending our homeland, even if not related to them.
When this day ends on Wednesday evening, our emotions change into great happiness as we acknowledge the miracle of the State of Israel. This is the way of life. There is a time to mourn and a time to rejoice. Only as Jews, we feel this more intensely.