The Role of the Rabbis
Shavua Tov-
Rabbi Elazar Abuchatzeira זצ״ל, commented on the first Pasuk of today’s Parsha. We are told that Hashem called Moshe and Aharon and the elders of Israel. Why was it necessary to also call the elders of Israel?
The Rav brought a Midrash in the name of Rabbi Akiva that says that עם ישראל are compared to a bird. Just as a bird cannot fly without wings, so, too, the Jewish people are helpless without the Rabbis. This instance is but one of many where Hashem gives honor to the זקנים, elders.
This shows the importance of אמונת חכמים, and having rabbis in our lives that we consult before making major decisions. A Jew who never consults a rabbi about anything, is leaving out a major component of Judaism.
The question that creates conflict in various circles, is the fallibility of even ancient rabbis. Many believe that there was no subject that they were not knowledgeable about. To even imply that they didn’t know about matters of science and astronomy, would make such a person a heretic.
Others believe that there were certain assumptions in these areas that have proven to be false, and it does not diminish from the greatness of our sages. Rabbi Slifkin uses putting terminally ill patients on life support as an example of something that could not have been known in earlier generations.
Regardless of one’s particular viewpoint, one must never minimize the importance of having rabbis play a role in our day to day lives.