Partner in Creation
Shavua Tov-
Parshat Yitro is filled with numerous laws connected with judges and the enormous responsibility they have in executing justice.
The Talmud in מסכת שבת says that one who judges with true judgement, becomes a partner with Hashem in creation.
This is learned from the use of similar words in פרשת בראשית, regarding creation, and the words used in פרשת יתרו.
The Torah tells us that Moshe Rabbeinu judged the people from morning to night, מהבוקר עד הערב. The Gemara asks, did Moshe really judge from morning to evening? When would he study Torah and teach it to the people?
Since the same words are used in connection with creation, ויהי ערב ויהי בוקר, and it was evening and it was morning, we make a connection.
What is learned from the two verses is that, any judge who judges דין אמת, true judgement, becomes a partner with G-d in creation.
It goes without saying that a true judge must be a person of great faith and knowledge of Torah, in order to judge correctly. How nice it would be if all of our judges in Israel, had these qualifications.