Yitro Heard
This week we read פרשת יתרו that describes the greatest day in the history of mankind, the Revelation at Mount Sinai. Every Jew was blessed with the amazing experience of hearing G-d speak.
Despite this great event, the Parsha is named after a non-Jew named Yitro. We are told that he practiced every form of religion available in his time. He came to the realization that only the Jewish religion was true.
There is some debate as to what was the turning point that convinced Yitro to actually convert. Some say he heard of the splitting of the Red Sea, while others say it was the war with Amalek. Rashi said that it was that he heard of both incidents.
Yitro learned that when we began as a nation and we needed clear, miraculous proof of Hashem’s existence, we witnessed the Red Sea.
But he also learned with the war with Amalek, that in order to receive Divine protection, we need to do our own השתדלות, our own efforts. We are not to rely on miracles. When we do our part, Hashem steps in, and makes things happen.
This is what was meant by, “Yitro heard.” He paid attention as to how we are to relate to Hashem, and understood that this represented the ultimate truth.