Suffering Leads to Growth
This week we begin the Book of Bamidbar. A good part of the book involves sins committed by the Jewish people in the desert.
The message is clear that we need to learn how to grow from adversity. The various incidents are brought in order to teach us good character traits. Almost every year, פרשת במדבר is read the Shabbat before Shavuot. The purpose of the Mitzvot of the Torah, was also to teach Midot, good character.
Torah without Midot, is meaningless. Its study is meant not only to elevate the individual, but to make the individual loved and respected by his peers.
We also read the sixth chapter of Pirkei Avot before Shavuot. This chapter is referred to as קנין תורה, acquiring the Torah. One of the points mentioned is that one who acquires Torah is אהוב, beloved, and is called רע (pronounced Re’ah), meaning, friend. The בעל שם טוב once said that one who loves other people and is loved by others, will be led to love of Hashem.
The lesson here is clear in that building character by way of learning from adversity, and studying Torah, will clearly understand that the foundation of Judaism is to learn how to treat others and how to grow as individuals.