Everyone Can Be a Levi
Parshat במדבר discusses the special role of the Leviim as part of כלל ישראל. They took the position that was originally meant for the first born, as they did not participate in the sin of the Golden Calf.
The לווים were to be involved in spiritual pursuits. They helped with the maintenance of the Beit Hamikdash, and many served as Torah teachers and educators.
The Rambam, at the end of the laws of Shmitta and Yovel, makes a fascinating observation. This elevated status of the Levite was available to all of the Jewish people. They could achieve this by making a conscious decision to separate from the mundane, and devote themselves to spiritual pursuits.
Their primary focus would be serve Hashem and know Him. They would walk the path of righteousness and goodness. They would remove from themselves the many worries of the physical world. They would become sanctified and Hashem would be their portion.
They would then acquire the same sense of spirituality as the Kohein or Levi. Therefore, even if one is not born into this tribe, he can still be just like them, if he sheds the material and mundane, and embraces the spiritual and the holy.