Removing Idol Worship from the Land

Shavua Tov. Parshat ראה has Moshe Rabbeinu making a very emphatic statement regarding not only the worshipping of עבודה זרה, but also the places which were the locations where idols were worshipped.

The Torah uses the language, אבד תאבדון. This double language is interpreted to mean that you shall surely destroy, at its root, all places where such worship took place. This is a prerequisite to our inheriting the Land of Israel.

The holiness of the land does not tolerate sinners, and it “vomits out” such sinful inhabitants. If it cannot tolerate sinners, it certainly does not tolerate symbols of such idol worship.

Rav Tzvi Yehuda Kook זצ״ל made it clear that the גאולה, redemption, would come in stages. First there would be a physical return of the Jewish people from around the world. The land would again bring forth its produce after lying fallow for centuries. And at a later time, there would be the “sprinkling of waters of purification,” when there will be a spiritual return as well.

Today we are at a stage of being respectful and tolerant of other religions in our midst.

The Rambam, as well, sees this as a prerequisite to the גאולה. But we must be rest assured that the day will come when the world recognizes the G-d of Israel as the true G-d, that Israel will be cleansed of all forms of impurity.


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