Living in Israel Equal to All Mitzvot
There is a Pasuk in פרשת ראה that is a source for the importance of observing the Mitzva of living in Israel. Moshe Rabbeinu tells us in Chapter 12, verse 29, that after Hashem will cut off the nations that are in your land, וירשתם אותם וישבתם בארצם, that you shall inherit them, and dwell in their land.
The Sifrei on this Pasuk says, “From here we learn that the Mitzva of ישיבת ארץ ישראל, living in the land of Israel, is equal to all of the Mitzvot of the Torah.”
All year, I have been using the commentary of Rabbi Elie Munk in קול התורה, which I enjoyed immensely. To my disappointment, Rabbi Munk used this Pasuk to minimize the importance of living in Israel. He quoted the well known Tosfot in the name of a Rishon, Rav Chaim Cohen, who said that it was a Mitzva if one lived in Israel, but it did not fall under the category of an obligatory positive commandment.
Rabbi Munk also quoted the infamous three oaths of מסכת כתובות, that there is no obligation nowadays to live in Israel.
I have heard these arguments in the past. I’m sticking with the Sifrei!