Yom Kippur

The Mussaf service on Yom Kippur is extremely moving. There is a section called, עבודה, that is the central part of the service.

Vivid detail is given as to the Temple service on Yom Kippur. The central figure is the Kohein Gadol, who is busy throughout the day, offering fifteen sacrifices, entering the Holy of Holies three times, dipping in the Mikva five times, changing his clothes five times, and washing his hands and feet ten times.

It is told that the masses of Jews stood in the Temple courtyard in prayer for twelve hours straight! They were elevated to such a high level of purity, that the time flew by.

The ultimate highlight of the day, was hearing the High Priest utter the שם המפורש, the holy name of G-d ten times. This is not something that could be taught, as it was actually Hashem, Himself, speaking through the כהן הגדול.

When the people heard this recitation, they fell on their faces as a sign of respect and awe for the holiness of the moment. This was the most special moment of this sacred day.

This is why we recite in our Machzors the following: “Happy is the individual who witnessed the שם המפורש leaving the lips of the Kohein Gadol. How sad are we, that we have not witnessed this.”

Perhaps this encapsulates the great loss of not having a Beit Hamikdash. Jews were always spiritually elevated when visiting there. But nothing compared to that special elevation on Yom Kippur.


Working on Ourselves


הסתר פנים