הסתר פנים
There is a concept called, הסתר פנים that is learned from פרשת וילך. We are told that there will be times when Hashem will say, ואנוכי הסתר אסתיר פני, that I will surely hide My face from you.
This הסתר פנים is difficult to understand. One interpretation says that Hashem will appear only in a dream, and not in an outward fashion. This was the case with Mordechai and the Purim story.
It also seems to be an indication of reflecting on a time when Hashem is not pleased with the behavior of the Jewish people. He will seem distant, as though He is hiding. It is up to us, to seek Him out, and we will find Him.
Every Mitzva we perform, brings us closer to G-d, and every sin, distances us.
We are grateful for this period of עשרת ימי תשובה, the Ten Days of Repentance, as this is a time when Hashem does feel close to us, and is simply asking us to return to Him.
It is our hope that all of the periods where we experienced הסתר פנים, are behind us, and we will merit to see גילוי שכינה, the revealing of the Divine Presence.