Yovel and Turmoil of the Sixties

Rabbi Twerski made a comparison between יובל, the Jubilee year, and the sixties in the United States.

The connection is that there was a great deal of turmoil in both years. During יובל, the turmoil is caused by land returning to its ancestral owners, as well as slaves being freed. The end of this period culminated with land being returned, and families reunited. Stability is then restored.

The sixties were years of turmoil, where authority was totally ignored. All social norms were cast aside, and people felt free to do whatever they pleased. This led to drug and alcohol abuse, and the breakdown of the family unit. The general attitude was that it was perfectly in order to do whatever “feels good.” This led to more divorce and more Chutzpah.

Unlike Yovel, where stability was ultimately restored, we are still suffering from the upheaval of the sixties. This is the outcome when Hashem and the Torah are ignored, because there is nothing to get the society on track. We want Mashiach now!


רבי שמעון בר יוחאי


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