עבד נרצע
The Torah speaks of the עבד עברי, the Hebrew slave, who is sold into slavery because he is found to be a thief. If the עבד decides that he likes his master and wants to remain as a slave, he becomes an עבד נרצע, a slave whose ear is pierced.
The reason for the ear piercing is explained in the Gemara in קידושין. This individual who heard the commandment on Mount Sinai not to steal, disobeyed that commandment.
The Gemara explains further that if he sells himself into slavery, he has violated the Pasuk that says כי לי בני ישראל עבדים, that we are meant to be servants of G-d and not servants of man. Because he didn’t listen, we piece his ear.
This case in the Torah is meant to serve as a reminder that we are to be careful to remain free men and not become imprisoned to our work, technology, or any obsession. The Rabbis tell us, אין לך בן חורין אלא מי שעוסק בתורה, the only true free man, is one who occupies himself with the study of Torah.