G-d’s Laws-Not Man’s Laws
Shavua Tov. Parshat משפטים is a continuation of Parshat יתרו in that we are given over fifty Mitzvot that mostly deal with running a society in a civil manner.
Rabbi Elie Munk in קול התורה emphasizes the point that only laws given by G-d are able to endure. History has proven that man made laws do not last over time.
Rabbi Munk explains that we cannot depend on man’s heart over Divine guidance. Man has limited understanding of himself and others. There is a real difficulty in man’s objective ability.
It is important to emphasize that Judaism is both a democracy and theocracy. Majority rule needs to be monitored so that it does not cross the line of what is morally right and wrong.
This clearly explains why the world is in such turmoil where there is so much confusion as to what is right and wrong, and what is good and evil.
Only G-d’s laws as expressed in the Torah, give the world stability and balance. Man made laws never meet society’s challenges. It’s time for the world and the Jewish people to accept this as absolute truth.