Special Qualities of High Priest
Parshat אמור speaks of the special laws related to the כהן גדול. Aside from the restrictions that apply only to him, regarding who he can marry, and never defiling himself for the dead, there are other lesser known obligations.
The High Priest needed to be outstanding in several areas. The first was נוי, which meant that he had to have a comely appearance. He needed to be handsome. The second was כח, in that he needed to be physically strong. He needed to have עושר, wealth, so that the wealthy would not feel superior to him. He needed to have חכמה and שנים, wisdom and years. He could not be too young in order that he be respected.
It is strange that the כהן גדול had to have all of these qualities and assets, in order to serve. These things would normally make a person haughty and conceited.
This is the very point according to Rav Mann. His worthiness for the job was that he displayed true humility despite having all of these special traits.
This is the goal for all of us. We are to remain humble and realize that all that we have is a gift from Hashem, and is not because of us.