Nourishment to the Soul
In Parshat Emor, we learn the special prohibition for a Kohein to defile himself by coming in contact with the dead.
A corpse is the highest level of טומאה, known as אבי אבות הטומאה. Rav Elie Munk explains that in essence, this טומאה is caused because the נשמה, the soul has left the body. A body without a soul is impure and requires burial as soon as possible.
The obvious lesson here, emphasizes how obvious it is, the essential role the נשמה plays in every human being. This awareness should make us realize that just as the body requires its nourishment for survival, so does the soul.
One who never gives food for the soul, by feeding it a large dose of spirituality, is a very weak person.
One whose life is filled with Torah and acts of kindness, will be strong. We need to be aware of this and strengthen our souls with the spiritual food of Torah and Mitzvot.