Positive Influences

There is a Pasuk related to the holiness of the Temple service. It is written, כל אשר יגע בהם יקדש, that the Kedusha is so strong that anything that touches it will become holy.

This is an interesting concept in that it shows how whatever one comes in contact with, is affected directly by that contact. If one is in connection with sanctity, some of that sanctity will rub off on him. And conversely, if one allows himself to be surrounded by negative influences, he will be affected negatively.

This is why we need to distance ourselves from such negative influences and surround ourselves with good, upbeat people, trying to serve Hashem.

Rabbi Twerski wrote that this is especially true in how we raise our children. We must try to shelter them in every way we can. There is so much out there that can lure our young people away from the path of Torah. We must see to it that whatever they touch will be holiness, so that they will become holy as well.


Israel is Kiddush Hashem


No Place for Negativity