Israel is Kiddush Hashem

This coming Shabbat we read פרשת פרה, that describes how the Red Heifer was needed to purify an individual who was defiled by coming in contact with the dead. It is read before Pesach as everyone needed to be purified in order to partake of the Pesach sacrifice.

It is the Haftarah that really draws our attention. It is from the Book of Yechezkel and speaks of the ultimate purification of the Jewish people when they return to Israel.

This is the most Zionistic Haftarah of the year. It speaks of how there will come a time when Hashem will decide that it’s time to end the desecration of His holy name. He will rebuild the House of Israel, not because we deserve it but because He will no longer tolerate seeing how the world do not esteem Him.

Therefore, He will gather His children, from the four corners of the world, and re-establish Israel as the home of the Jewish people. Once again, the Prophet says, “You will be my people, and I will be your G-d.” The desolate cities will be rebuilt, and the Land will produce abundance.

In short, the State of Israel is קידוש ה׳, a sanctification of the Name of G-d. It is clear proof that Hashem never abandoned His people. The prophecies of over two thousand years, are being fulfilled right before our eyes. And the State of Israel proves without a doubt, that Judaism is the one and only true religion.


Joy and Sadness


Positive Influences