
This week we read פרשת צו which coincides with Shabbat Hagadol. The interpretation of the word, “צו” would usually mean, “to command.”

However, the Rabbis explain that the word צו, refers to the concept of זריזות, alacrity. It describes the manner in which we are to observe the Mitzvot.

This is meant that we fulfill our obligations with swiftness and enthusiasm. We are meant to be active rather than passive.

The מסילת ישרים speaks of two initial levels of observance. One is זהירות, being cautious, and the other is זריזות. The first applies to taking great care that we not transgress a negative commandment. The זריזות refers to the way that we approach positive commandments with eagerness and excitement.

This should also be our approach to the numerous Pesach Mitzvot. We should view the coming Chag with joy and excitement. We should feel fortunate that we will be conducting our Seder with all of its details, especially after we experienced such a difficult year.

Our זריזות in serving Hashem should begin this Pesach and carry us throughout the year.


Body and Soul

