The fifth chapter of ויקרא deals with the subject of the קרבן אשם, known as the guilt offering. We contrast this קרבן with the קרבן חטאת, sin offering.
Both of these sacrifices are offered for an inadvertent transgression, known as the שוגג. However, the חטאת involves transgressions that are very severe, in the sense that that if these were violated intentionally, they would carry the death penalty or כרת, excision.
The אשם is a little more flexible in that the donor contributes according to what he can afford. It begins with the sheep family, and then goes to turtle doves, and even a meal offering for the poor.
The Torah lists examples of violations that require the offering of a קרבן אשם. Withholding testimony, being unaware of having come in contact with something טמא, an unfulfilled oath, and trespassing that which was sanctified, are examples of the אשם requirement.
The Torah adds other אשם situations when he denies having stolen an object, and it is found in his possession. Similarly, a false oath requires the אשם.
The important factor to be aware of is that one is able to achieve complete atonement and forgiveness in situations where he let his יצר הרע get the better of him. There’s always room for תשובה!0