Creation Has Purpose
Rabbi Twerski points out that there is a great deal to be learned from the first Pasuk of the Torah. If we believe that Hashem created the world, and it didn’t just get her by chance, or a “Big Bang”, then we must believe something else.
This acceptance of creation must also mean that there is a purpose to creation. Hashem would not have created this intricate world, without a plan and purpose.
It is easy for us to deal with pain and discomfort in certain areas of life. If a medical or dental procedure is painful, we endure because we know it is for our benefit. The same holds true with earning a livelihood. It often comes with difficulty, but we know that this is how we will sustain ourselves.
When we are faced with dealing with inexplicable pain and suffering, we have a hard time understanding why. The Gemara speaks of a discussion between Moshe Rabbeinu and G-d, where Moshe asked why some people suffer more than others.
Hashem told Moshe that this is something He would not reveal to him. But he did reassure Moshe that it is part of a Divine plan that one day will be revealed.
Accepting creation, means accepting that everything happens for a reason and is part of a plan.