No Spirituality-No Life

Rabbi Twerski makes an interesting observation about Shabbat observance. He noted that creation was only completed when Hashem rested on the seventh day. This is surprising because Hashem, in His perfection, is not in need of rest. Yet, with the cessation of work and creativity, creation was completed.

This מנוחה, or rest, was essential for the world to know that we must spend one day a week refraining from weekday creative acts.

The other key word comes from the Shabbat day Kiddush taken from Shmot, Chapter 31. We say, וביום השביעי שבת וינפש, and on the seventh day, G-d rested and was spiritually charged. This word, וינפש, has the word, נפש, or soul, in it. This represents the fact that Shabbat is not only a day when we do not work. It must be a day of spirituality.

We must realize that we are spiritual beings. This is what separates us from the animals. This also explains why the Rabbis say that a רשע, evil person, even when alive, is like he’s dead. This is because a person who has no spirituality in his life, is not really living.

A world that is without spirituality and acknowledgement that there is a G-d, is on such a low level. This is the essence of the world’s problems and lack of morality. And this is why we pray in עלינו three times a day, that the world should know that there is a G-d who controls the world.

Shabbat is where we are meant to be given this spiritual charge, where we live as holy men, and not like animals.


Torah is Truth


Creation Has Purpose