Holy Ark
The most fascinating vessel in the Mishkan and Beit Hamikdash is the ארון קודש, the Holy Ark.
It is from the ארון between the כרובים, Cherubs, that the Divine Presence descends. It is the symbol of absolute holiness.
There is some debate as to whether the Torah that Moshe Rabbeinu wrote, was inside the ark, or was placed on a special shelf. It is agreed that the broken tablets as well as the second tablets received by Moshe, were placed in the ark.
The כרובים were quite magical. Although made of gold, the pure faces of a male and female child would either look at one another, or turn away. The same was true of the wings of the כרובים. At times, the wings of the two cherubs, would touch, and at other times, fold and be distant.
These wondrous movements, were to be indicators if Hashem was pleased with the Jewish people or not.
There was no ארון קודש in the second Temple. It was hidden somewhere in Jerusalem to this very day. It is told that only one or two people in each generation, know where the ark is hidden. If you think you are one of those people, you’re not!
What an amazing sight it will be, if we are blessed to see the actual ark of Shlomo Hamelech’s Temple.