ונהפוך הוא
We are now beginning our extended Purim season. One of the messages of Purim is ישועת ה׳ כהרף עין, that Hashem’s salvation comes in a moment.
We see from the story in the Megillah how things can change so quickly.
Specifically, this is seen during the evening between Esther’s first and second party, when Achashveirosh was unable to sleep.
Haman came at exactly the right time when the king began to make sense of the situation at hand.
He suddenly realized that Mordechai and the Jews were his allies, and it was Haman who wanted to overthrow him.
The proof of his new suspicion was confirmed when he asked what should be done to one who wished to honor the king.
Haman, in his arrogance, asked for the king’s clothing and horse. That was all Achashveirosh needed to hear. And that was the moment of ונהפוך הוא, when everything changed.
This story should give us the strength to realize that we must never lose hope. If we put our trust in Hashem, we, too, can see His salvation in a moment.