Korach’s Wealth

This week we are introduced to the tragic story of קרח, and his rebellion. Pirkei Avot tells us about a מחלוקת לשם שמים, a dispute for the sake of Heaven. This refers to שמאי and הלל, who disagreed on many issues, but they both had serious intentions in getting to the truth of the Torah.

The מחלוקת of קרח was not לשם שמים. It was based on greed and jealousy. Although many explain that קרח’s downfall was instigated by his evil wife, his wealth also played a major role.

The Midrash tells us that Korach was the wealthiest man in the world. The assumption was that he found the treasures hidden by Yosef, when he accumulated all the wealth of the world.

The Gemara in סנהדרין said that Korach had 300 mules who carried the “keys” to where his treasures were stored. In Hebrew slang, a wealthy person is described as עשיר כקרח, as wealthy as Korach.

His wealth gave him too much confidence, which led to his great arrogance. The ארחות צדיקים writes that wealth can have three effects on a person. It can be a blessing, a test, or a curse.

When wealth comes too quickly and without effort, it can be particularly damaging. Such an individual does not know how to deal with his new situation, and it can ruin him.

It takes work and faith to be humbled by receiving Hashem’s abundance. The first thing a wealthy person must know is that just as it came quickly, it can be gone quickly. He should constantly be giving gratitude to Hashem, and use the wealth to help ease the pain of the less fortunate.

In Korach’s case, his wealth was clearly a curse. Rather than appreciate his high status in the Tribe of Levi, he focused on his own power that led to his demise.


Claims Against Moshe

