
The section related to the Mitzva of ציצית has many important messages. When worn, it serves as a reminder to observe all of the Mitzvot of the Torah.

The numerical value of the word ציצית is 600. There are five knots and eight strings on each of the four corners, equaling 613.

The ציצית are also an affirmation of our faith in Hashem as we acknowledge the existence of Hashem. We do this as we state that it is Hashem that took us out of Egypt.

According to the Rambam, the commandment to believe in the existence of G-d, comes from this acknowledgement that G-d took us out of Egypt. If He took us out of Egypt, it means that He exists, and didn’t just create the world and leave it.

The chapter on ציצית also tells us that we must guard our eyes and our hearts. The eyes represents where we look and how we are to control our desires. The heart represents not allowing ourselves to be swayed by heretical teachings.

So we see that the third chapter of שמע, does have some important messages.


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