תרומה ועמלק

This Shabbat we read both פרשת תרומה as well as פרשת זכור. There is a Pasuk in קהלת that describes how Hashem creates opposites in this world.

We first read תרומה that describes incredible generosity of the Jewish people in donating towards the Mishkan. Rav Elie Munk wrote how this was indicative of Jewish philanthropy throughout history. Jews work together to be sure that there is strong Jewish education, synagogues, Yeshivot, Mikvas, and helping the poor.

Contrast this generosity to Amalek that epitomized all that was evil. They would tear down and demoralize for no reason.

We must realize that there are two poles in this world. We must be aggressive towards staying to the side of good, the side of תרומה and distance ourselves from Amalek as represented by פרשת זכור.


The Power of צדקה


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