The Power of צדקה

Shavua Tov. Today’s פרשת תרומה, emphasizes the importance of being generous and charitable. It also is meant to show the power of giving Tzedaka.

From the wording of the Torah, we see the importance of “how” to give. The Pasuk says that we are to collect donations from each person אשר ידבנו ליבו, that gives from the heart. Tzedaka loses its power when one gives begrudgingly. He must give it with the best of intentions.

We must also remember that צדקה תציל ממות, that charity saves one from death. Its power is so great that it is capable of changing Heavenly decrees in our favor. If צדקה can save us from death, it can also help us with other difficulties sent our way.

We should do our best to give what we can according to Halacha, and investigate that we be certain our funds go to very real, worthy charities. There truly is great joy in giving, as well as great protection.


Accepting a Wayward Son


תרומה ועמלק