Awesome Place

The story of Yakov’s dream of the ladder is very fascinating. We learn on several occasions that Yakov had a relationship with angels.

Aside from the angels in his dream, ascending and descending, we learn that angels escorted him when he left Israel, and they welcomed him back when he returned.

All of this indicates that Yakov was on a very high spiritual level.

When he woke up from his dream, he realized that he had been sleeping in a very holy place. He says, מה נורא המקום הזה, “How awesome is this place.” He continues by recognizing that this must be the future dwelling place of the Divine Presence. We affirm that he slept on the Temple Mount, the location of the future Beit Hamikdash.

The word for “awesome,” was, נורא. There is another interpretation of the word, נורא, to mean, “terrible.” Rav Dov Bigon once said that we could use this latter translation to apply to synagogues and houses of study.

If we go to such places, and notice the cracked walls and general dilapidated state, it must be בית אלוקים, the House of G-d. This is a clear sign that these buildings are being used a great deal. This is why they look נורא, terrible.

But if we go to a synagogue in perfect condition, it might not be a true “House of G-d.” Its immaculate condition might be because the building is being used only three times a year.

It took a dream for Yakov to recognize the uniqueness of where he slept. We must recognize and connect to, true places of study and worship. They must “awesome” and “terrible” at the same time.


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