Obstacles to Spirituality
A major theme of the book, “Duties of the Heart,” is the emphasis on finding ways towards building a closer connection to Hashem. We are urged to use our intellect in order to achieve this goal of closeness to G-d.
There are three major obstacles that prevent us from pursuing a more spiritual life. The first obstacle comes when we allow ourselves to become obsessed with worldly pleasures. This includes too much emphasis on materialism and living more and more comfortably. When there is too much focus on the physical, it is difficult to become more spiritual.
A second obstacle comes from taking Hashem’s abundant kindness, too lightly. When we are given a great deal without much effort, we tend to take things for granted. When we are lacking, we tend to reach out in prayer. The trick is to seek out more holiness, even when times are good. We must show appreciation for all of G-d’s gifts.
The final obstacle mentioned by “Chovot Halevavot,” is the need to look at adversity in a positive manner. When things aren’t going right and we are going through difficulties, we must learn to embrace. We must never feel that we are being treated unfairly. If we have the faith to trust in G-d and accept that everything we are going through is for our ultimate good, it will not block our attempts at spirituality. On the contrary, such faith will bring us closer to Him.
Life has many obstacles and challenges. With the help of various books of Mussar, we can succeed in overcoming everything. We can reach that blissful destination of basking in the glory of Hashem.