A Content Mother

The usual explanation as to what was the cause of death for Sara, was that she died of a broken heart when she heard of the Binding of Isaac.

I even heard a story years ago of a young third grader in Chicago, who wept profusely when his teacher told him of our Morher Sara, passing away. The boy grew up to be a successful and very much loved, rabbi.

The lesser known interpretation is that there was a reason why Sara died because of the עקידה. Every Jewish mother prays that her children grow up to be good G-d fearing, Torah observant Jews.

When Sara heard that her son had reached the pinnacle of Emunah, by being prepared to risk his life for Hashem, she realized that her work was done. Yitzchak surpassed any expectation she could have had for her son. Her life’s mission was complete. She could leave this world as a very contented Jewish mother.


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