Challenges for Parents

Rav Yakov Yisrael Kanievski, who was known as the Steipler Gaon, and died in 1985, had an interesting observation about our current way of life.

The affluence of today’s world, comes with a price, as compared with previous generations. It was not that long ago that most Jews lived in poverty, and were accustomed to not being able to attain their desires.

A fruit was a precious treat, and a new article of clothing, a rare acquisition. A child learned to live with hunger, and this trained him to be happy with his lot.

Nowadays, children are used to getting whatever they want. There is an abundance of food, including sweets, and every child dresses like a prince. Children come to expect that they will easily receive whatever they want.

When they start school and meet other children who are brighter than them, this creates envy and jealousy.

Parents cannot give their children success and respect. This is the major down side of affluence. It creates this negative trait of jealousy, mainly because they are taught they can have everything. Their parents cannot make their children the smartest and brightest. But they must be aware of this modern day challenge.

Jealousy is one of the most destructive negative personality traits. It takes away all hope of joy and contentment. The advice of the Steipler Gaon should be taken very seriously.




A Content Mother