Eisav’s Merits
We learn in our Parsha that Yakov had a fear that he lost his merits and might not be able to overcome Eisav. He thought that perhaps during his twenty years with Lavan, he may have sinned and he was no longer worthy of Hashem’s protection.
In addition to this concern, he realized that although Eisav was clearly a רשע, an evil person, he performed two Mitzvot that he did not.
During Yakov’s long absence, he was not performing the Mitzva of Kibbud Av, honoring his father, that Eisav did observe diligently. Eisav also fulfilled the Mitzva of settling in Eretz Yisrael, that Yakov did not.
It is even told that the Vilna Gaon once lamented the fact that he never was able to live in Israel. He said that he wasn’t even as good as Eisav, who did fulfill that Mitzva.
We learn from all of this that we must never underestimate the value of even one Mitzva. We do not know how Hashem decides one’s merits. Therefore, we should try to observe all Mitzvot diligently.