Children at the Seder
The most important people at the Seder, are the children. We are to focus on them and be sure they are involved until the end.
Rav Aviner put out a pamphlet with questions and answers to be used at the Seder. There is one question that caught my eye.
“Which animals received a reward connected to the Pesach story?” The answer: The dogs, for staying quiet during the tenth plague. They were rewarded with having the טריפה, animals unfit for eating, given to them.
The donkeys were rewarded with פטר חמור, a special ceremony involving first born donkeys, and exchanging a lamb for them. Every Jew had eighty to ninety donkeys laden with all of the wealth of Egypt.
And we reward the birds with feeding them bread on שבת שירה. They ate the מן that Datan and Aviram put out on Shabbat, to try to make Moshe and Aharon look bad.
Part of our Pesach preparations should be to make our Seder especially enjoyable for the children.