
This week we begin the Book of ויקרא, which is also known as ספר הקרבנות, the Book of Sacrifices.

All of the details of the various sacrifices are brought in this book. The regulations and details must be followed to the letter. Only עבודה זרה and קרבנות are punishable with forbidden thoughts. In the case of sacrifices, having the wrong intention connected to the procedural order, causes פיגול, and can also nullify a sacrifice.

Certain קרבנות, like the קרבן פסח, can be eaten by the donor. This is in the category of קדשים קלים, a lesser level of holiness. However, there are other קרבנות eaten by the Kohanim only. There is an expression that says, הכהנים אוכלים והבעלים מתכפרים, the Kohanim eat, and the owners are atoned. Such sacrifices are in the category of קדשי קדשים, holy of Holies.

The Rabbis emphasize that although we do not have a Temple where we can actually offer sacrifices, there is great reward in studying its laws. Many educators even felt that this was the first section of חומש to teach children. When we study a subject purely for its knowledge, there is much greater reward in it.


Proper כוונה


Children at the Seder