No Fish Sacrifices
Rav Shlomo Mann זצ״ל, asked why we do not offer fish as a קרבן. We offer animals and fowl, but never fish.
The answer is based on a Midrash that says that Eve, in the Garden of Eden, not only shared the forbidden fruit with Adam, but she insisted that all animals and birds, also partake of this fruit.
The קרבנות were meant to be an atonement for the sin of partaking of the Tree of Knowledge.
The fish did not take part in this sin, so they were not in need of atonement.
This is also connected to the custom of eating fish on Shabbat. The fish were protected from עין הרע, as they were covered by the water. The water is symbolic of Torah. As long as we are immersed in Torah, we are equally protected from sin.