Proper כוונה
Shavua Tov-
A major theme of the Book of Vayikra, is not only the קרבנות, but the importance of the right כוונה, or intent.
We learn in the instance of sacrifices, that כוונה is as important as the offering itself. This is not an area where we are able to fool Hashem. He can see what our real
feelings are. A קרבן offered just for show, is not only meaningless, but also an abomination.
Having the proper כוונה in the observance of all Mitzvot, is equally important. This is why the Rabbis say, מחשבה כמעשה, even having the right thoughts, is as if we actually did the action.
Similarly, in our interaction with others, we should act sincerely and with good intentions. We should be there to help and do חסד, not for the purpose of future gains, but for the sake of the Mitzva alone.
Perhaps this is why רבן יוחנן בן זכאי told his students on his death bed, that they should fear G-d the same way that they fear man. Sincerity and proper כוונה is the key to our observance of Mitzvot, bearing fruit.