Beautify the Mitzvot
The שירה, song that was sung spontaneously by the Jewish people after the drowning of the Egyptians, was quite amazing. This was a time of great revelation for all who witnessed this great event.
We are told that even the maid-servant at the sea, witnessed more prophecy than the Prophet Yechezkel.
Among the words of praise, was the phrase, זה א-לי ואנונו, this is my G-d and I will glorify Him. This Pasuk is the source for the commandment to beautify the Mitzvot.
Usually this Mitzva is connected with Succot. We are to try and purchase a beautiful Etrog, and build and adorn a beautiful Succah.
We are not to try to save money when observing the Torah. We show our love for the gift of the Mitzvot, in the manner that we observe these Mitzvot. The same is true for the Mezuzot or Tefillin we purchase, or how we celebrate Shabbat and the holidays.
The זה א-לי ואנונו sung at the Red Sea, teaches us this message.