Lessons from Manna
The distribution of the Manna had an important message. In a way, it was teaching social justice. No stealing was allowed and nobody was allowed to take more than his share. There was no interest taken and no unlawful enrichment. Everyone received their legitimate share.
It was another lesson in Parnassa. Hashem provides an individual with what he needs, not what he wants. There was a need to overcome the insecurity that there was not enough and more was needed.
The forty years in the desert were daily reminders that Parnassa came from Hashem. This is why the Manna was given each day, and not once a week. This realization is what gives a person peace of mind.
We are also taught that the stronger the faith, the less effort in gathering the מן. Those who believed, received it at their doorstep. The non-believers needed to go a greater distance to gather their food from Heaven.
There are many lessons to be learned from the מן about equality and faith in Hashem. And did you know that the blessing on the מן was המוציא לחם מן השמים?