Kohein Diagnoses
The role of diagnosing the leper was limited to the כהן. He takes precedence over a great תלמיד חכם. Rabbi Elazar Abuchatzeira זצ”ל wrote that this was meant to create a relationship of הכרת הטוב.
When one is escorted by a כהן, who sees him through the ordeal of leprosy, a bond is developed between the two. The healed leper will want to show his gratitude to the כהן who helped him. He will choose to give him his תרומה and other gifts as a sign of appreciation.
There is also a term called “שימוש”, which means that the כהן is trained by older כהנים how to diagnose. This is not something that can be learned on the internet or from a book. It is taught from generation to generation so that the specific כהן basis his decision on what he saw and learned from his mentor. This was limited only to the כהן.
Despite our advanced technology, there is no substitute to a תלמיד learning from his Rebbe directly.