Double Impurity for a Girl

Shavua Tov. One of the more difficult parts of today’s Parsha, is trying to explain why a woman who gives birth to a girl, is in a state of impurity, twice as long as when she gives birth to a boy.

Rabbi Elie Munk brings a questionable source that says that the fetus for a male has all its body parts at forty days, while for a female, it takes eighty days.

The Gemara in מסכת נידה tells the story that the students of the great רבי שמעון בר יוחאי, asked this very question. The Rashbi’s reply was that a woman after childbirth, is in a state of confusion and sadness. She often vows never to go through such a painful experience as giving birth. However, the joy that is experienced at the baby’s Brit Milah, makes her forget all of her pain.

The birth of a girl has no such ceremony, and, therefore, takes double the time to appreciate the miracle of birth.


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