Genuinely Happy for Others

The story of Yitro teaches a very important lesson in human relations. It may seem like a trivial point, but it is not trivial at all.

There is a Pasuk that describes how happy Yitro was when he heard of the great things that happened to the Jewish people. The exodus from Egypt with all of its signs and wonders, and the revelation at Sinai, made him genuinely happy.

This is such an important that all of us need to learn to be genuinely happy for the good fortune of another person. This point cannot be emphasized enough. Most people have not been taught that this is a level to strive towards. If one does achieve this level of genuine happiness for another person’s success, it shows he is in a very good place.

This demonstrates the realization that it’s okay if others succeed. It does not reflect badly on them. One should hope that everyone succeeds.

I believe that eliminating jealousy and not looking begrudgingly at another person’s good fortune, generates great blessings from Hashem.

G-d wants to see camaraderie among friends and sincere caring for one another. If one were to feel more deserving than the other person, that would be bad. Yitro taught us how to be genuinely happy for another person’s success. This is such a valuable message we must take to heart.


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