G-d Fearing Judges
When Yitro set up his judicial system of higher and lower courts, he also brought the qualifications to be a judge in Israel.
Judges needed to be of the highest moral standard. They needed to be G-d fearing, and not capable of taking a bribe. They also needed to be אנשי חיל, warrior type individuals. They needed to be prepared to struggle and fight for the needs of the Jewish people.
A rabbi who receives rabbinic ordination is given permission to decide matters of Jewish Law. He has gone through a series of exams and years of study before he is deemed worthy of the title “rabbi.”
Upon my own ordination, my rabbis told me that because I was so young, they could not expect me to know the answer to every Halachic question that I might be asked.
They said that their decision to ordain me was because they were confident that I was a G-d fearing person. They were certain that if I didn’t know an answer, I would do the proper research, until I was satisfied with the answer I would give.
Israel desperately needs G-d fearing judges. It is not very hopeful when many openly admit to being atheists. The Rabbis tell us that when judges judge truthfully, they become partners with Hashem in creation. When this happens, even more greatness will come to Am Yisrael.