Giving and Generosity

The subject of giving and generosity is a major aspect of Judaism. One of the attributes of a Jew is that he loves doing acts of kindness.

We get a glimpse of this in the manner in which donations were made in the construction of the Mishkan. This was one of the few times in Jewish History that they actually gave too much, and were told to stop giving.

There are a variety of Mitzvot that are challenging in different ways to different people. Some find the laws of Shabbat and Kashrut to be difficult to observe. And many find the laws of Family Purity, to be similarly challenging.

The book known as “Sefer Hayashar,” lists reasons why people abandon Judaism. One of them is miserliness. They might come to the conclusion that it’s simply too expensive to fulfill the dictates of the Torah. Tuitions of Jewish Day Schools in America, is a case in point.

We are expected to overcome our insecurities and have the faith to do what is right. We are promised that we will never become poor because of the charity that we give.

The rewards of generosity and giving are very great. Once we overcome our doubts and learn how to give, there is a special sense of satisfaction that comes with it.

It has become clear that selfish people who never give, cannot be happy. We are meant to be givers, and we are to do it in a very kind manner. We should feel grateful when we have opportunities to give. This is the mindset we are supposed to have regarding charity and helping others. The rewards are great, and they are felt immediately. Always remember to be generous.


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