Discipline and Consistency

There is a rule in Jewish Law that says, תדיר ושאינו תדיר, תדיר קודם. This means that when we decide the order of things, we go with what is usual, first. For example, if we have a Shabbat that is also Rosh Chodesh, we first read the Shabbat reading, and then the reading for Rosh Chodesh. The same is true with Birkat Hamazon of Shabbat that might also be a festival. We recite the insert for Shabbat before that of the festival, because Shabbat is more usual.

Rav Kook takes this idea and says that it needs to be incorporated into our daily lives. We are to serve Hashem with תדירות והתמדה, consistency and diligence.

The essence of being an observant Jew comes down to one word, “discipline.” We are to live our lives in a very focused manner, so that our lives are orderly and controlled. It allows us to stay focused on our ultimate goal, which is to get closer to G-d and be able to feel His love and protection.

It is said that men have a bigger Yeitzer Hara, evil inclination than women. This explains why they have more laws than women. They need to be held in check so that they do not go astray.

Having a regular daily routine of prayer at the appropriate time, is a good example of consistency and diligence. During the cold mornings of winter, prayer in the synagogue requires more of an effort. We must learn to be “locked in” and focused in our religious observance. It is definitely challenging, but well worth the effort.


Lessons from Holy Ark


Giving and Generosity